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Dr Serge Dulude, M.D.

Director – Medical Affairs

Serge has been a family physician for over 40 years. With a diverse clinical practice, he has worked in both emergency and inpatient settings and has managed patients on the front lines.

Serge quickly became involved in the organization of services to create safe and stimulating work environments. He held the key position of Chief of the Regional Department of General Medicine of Montreal (DRMG) from 2000 to 2008, before making the jump to the Fédération des médecins omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ). For 10 years, Serge acted as Assistant Director General and Director of Planning and Regionalization.

Among his accomplishments, we should note the introduction of the novel concept of Adapted Access in 2009 at the FMOQ, which adapts the services offered by physicians to the needs of their clientele by focusing on interdisciplinarity. In addition, he collaborated in the introduction of the electronic medical record (EMR) for the front line and in the development of Family Medicine Groups (FMG).

When a new idea comes up, his first instinct is to ask, “How will this idea help a patient and their loved ones?”

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